Example usage
The following is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access an individual group's content resource:
The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access an individual group's content resource:
A group's content resource provides access to the group's shared items. Group items are stored by reference and are not physically stored in a group. Rather, they are stored as links to the original item in the Item resource. This resource is only available to the group owner and users.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
| For a complete listing, see Common parameters. |
| For a complete list of paging parameters, see Paging parameters. |
Response properties
Property | Details |
| The following paging properties are included in the response and they are described in Paging properties.
| A JSON array of item objects. See Item for possible response properties. Each item object also has a |
JSON Response syntax
"total": <total number of items in the group>,
"start": <the first record index in the response>,
"num": <the number of items in the response>,
"nextStart": <the next entry index>,
"items": [
"id": "<item id>",
"owner": "<owner username>",
"created": date created shown in UNIX time,
"modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
"guid": <unique id>,
"name": <item name>,
"title": "<item title>",
"type": "<type>",
"typeKeywords": [
"description": "<description>",
"tags": [
"snippet": "<summary>",
"thumbnail": "<file name>",
"extent": [
"spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
"accessInformation": <credits>,
"licenseInfo": "<access and use constraints>"
"culture": "<culture code>",
"url": <url>,
"access": "private | shared | org | public",
"size": <size>,
"numComments": <number of comments>,
"numRatings": <number of ratings>,
"avgRating": <average rating>,
"numViews": <number of views>,
"scoreCompleteness": <score>,
"lastViewed": <date/time in UNIX format>,
"groupCategories": [
"<group category1>",
"<group category2>"
"id": "<item id>",
"owner": "<owner username>",
"created": date created shown in UNIX time,
"modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
"guid": <unique id>,
"name": <item name>,
"title": "<item title>",
"type": "<type>",
"typeKeywords": [
"description": "<description>",
"tags": [
"snippet": "<summary>",
"thumbnail": "<file name>",
"extent": [
"spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
"accessInformation": <credits>,
"licenseInfo": "<access and use constraints>"
"culture": "<culture code>",
"url": <url>,
"access": "private | shared | org | public",
"size": <size>,
"numComments": <number of comments>,
"numRatings": <number of ratings>,
"avgRating": <average rating>,
"numViews": <number of views>,
"scoreCompleteness": <score>,
"lastViewed": <date/time in UNIX format>,
"groupCategories": [
"<group category1>",
"<group category2>"
JSON Response example
"total": 5,
"start": 1,
"num": 2,
"nextStart": 3,
"items": [
"id": "10ba62fe50864339a8a3e0f18ca85506",
"owner": "jsmith",
"created": 1263404798000,
"modified": 1256666605000,
"guid": null,
"name": null,
"title": "Highland Earthquake",
"type": "Web Map",
"typeKeywords": [
"Web Map",
"Online Map",
"ArcGIS Online"
"description": "This web map shows recent earthquakes in Southern California, specifically
the city of Highland. The web map presents a live map service from the USGS displayed over pre-earthquake
imagery of the area. The live map service shows recent earthquakes of 2.5+ magnitude along with other
types of natural disasters. The live map service is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Natural
Hazards Support System (NHSS). The NHSS provides a comprehensive overview of current natural hazard events
and is published by the USGS Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center (RMGSC) from various data sources.
Among the layers included in the live map service is recent earthquakes. The Earthquakes layer shows
global earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 2.5 that have occurred in the past seven days.
Smaller earthquakes are not shown. This feed from the USGS Earthquakes Hazards Program is retrieved by
NHSS every 10 minutes.",
"tags": [
"Southern California",
"snippet": "This web map shows recent earthquakes around Southern California. The web map features
a live map service from the USGS NHSS displayed over pre-earthquake imagery of the area.",
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/earthquake.jpg",
"extent": [
"spatialReference": null,
"accessInformation": public use,
"licenseInfo": "Please see: https://nhss.cr.usgs.gov/data.shtml and https://nhss.cr.usgs.gov/disclaim.shtml",
"culture": "null",
"url": null,
"access": "shared",
"size": 0,
"numComments": 14,
"numRatings": 21,
"avgRating": 5,
"numViews": 65,
"scoreCompleteness": 16,
"lastViewed": 1613148239000,
"groupCategories": [
"/Categories/Trending/New and noteworthy",
"/Categories/Basemaps/Creative maps"
"id": "63be660525a74cdfa5eff229cdc6b5d4",
"owner": "jsmith",
"created": 1263524640000,
"modified": 1263666605000,
"guid": null,
"name": null,
"title": "Current Natural Hazard Events",
"type": "Web Mapping Application",
"typeKeywords": [
"Web Map",
"Online Map",
"Mapping Site",
"description": "The USGS Natural Hazards Support System (NHSS) provides a comprehensive overview
of current natural hazard events and is published by the USGS Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center
(RMGSC) from various data sources. The Data Viewer has several sections including map functions,
map region, data layers, base map options, and map legends.",
"tags": [
"public safety",
"snippet": Data Viewer for Natural Hazards,
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/hazardevents.png",
"extent": [
"spatialReference": null,
"accessInformation": null,
"licenseInfo": "Please see https://nhss.cr.usgs.gov/data.shtml
"culture": "en-us",
"url": https://nhss.cr.usgs.gov/,
"access": "public",
"size": 0,
"numComments": 9,
"numRatings": 14,
"avgRating": 4,
"numViews": 23,
"scoreCompleteness": 33,
"lastViewed": 1613148239000,
"groupCategories": []