The following are the available relationship types for creating a relationship between items:
Relationship type | Description | Origin type | Destination type | Rule |
| Web Map |
| None | |
| Web Mapping Application | Code Attachment |
| |
| Web Map | Feature Collection | None | |
| Mobile Application | Code Attachment |
| |
| Models the association of a derived service and its source data. The derived service is the origin of the relationship. The source data is the destination of the relationship. The source data can be a service. The relationship can be queried in either direction. | Service Item:
| Source Data:
| Models the association of a source service and a derived service. The source service is the origin of the relationship. The derived service is the destination of the relationship. The relationship can be queried in either direction. | Feature Service | Map Service |
| Web Map | Application Configuration |
| |
| * |
| |
| * |
| ||
| * | * |
| |
| Vector Tile Service | Vector Tile Service, Style |
| |
| Vector Tile Service, Style |
| |
| Models the relationship between a Survey123 form item to the feature service where data from the form is submitted. | Form | Feature Service |
| Models the relationship between a Survey123 form item to other items used by the survey. Includes feature services views that are read-only for use in the Survey123 website, map packages that can be downloaded and used offline, and Word templates that can be used by the Survey123 reporting functionality. | Form | Feature Service View, Web Map, Map Package, Tile Package, Vector Tile Package, Microsoft Word |
| Models the relationship between a feature service containing all the routes and the route layer representing each route. | Hosted Feature Service | Route Layer |
| Map Area |
| |
| Web Map | Map Area |
| |
| Feature Service | Feature Service |
| |
| Map Area |
| |
| Models the association of a Track View to a Web Map during creation of the Track View in the Tracker web app. | Feature Service | Web Map | |
| Survey123 Add In | * |
| |
| Models the association of a Workforce Feature Service to a Web Map during the creation of a Workforce Project. | Web Map |
| Models the association between an ArcGIS StoryMaps Theme and the ArcGIS StoryMaps that use that theme. A theme can be used by many stories, but a story uses only one theme. The relationship can be queried in either direction. | ArcGIS StoryMaps Theme | ArcGIS StoryMaps | None |
| Models the association of Web Style to Desktop Style that is used to publish the Web Style. | Style | DesktopStyle |
| Models the association of Solution to the items created as part of the Solution. | Solution | * | None |
| Models the association of API keys to an item on the ArcGIS for Developers item pages. | API Key | * |
| Models the association of Mission to the items created as part of a Mission. | Mission | * | None |
| Models the association between a notebook and the web tool published from that notebook. | Notebook | Geoprocessing service |
Relationship rules
Each relationship type can have rules that are enforced by the server to help keep the items properly related.
—Related items are logically treated as one shareable item.Share - Prerequisites
- Both items must be owned by the owner of the relationship. -Both items must be shared the same way.
- Rules
- If the origin item is shared, the destination item is shared the same way.
- Sharing of the destination item is not allowed.
- Prerequisites
—Related items are logically treated as one item upon deletion.Delete - Prerequisites
- Both items must be owned by the owner of the relationship.
- Rules
- If the origin item is deleted, the destination item is deleted.
- If the destination item is deleted, the origin item is not affected.
- Prerequisites
—The destination item inherits all the sharing permissions of the origin item and is an overwrite of the destination item permissions. This rule applies to Add Item with the relationship call.Origin Share On Add must
—The creator of the relationship must own the origin item.O w n Origin Item must
—The creator of the relationship must own the destination item.O w n Destination Item must
—The creator of the relationship must own both related items.O w n A l l Items child
—Both the source (parent) and the destination (child) items must be listed: the parent publicly and the child privately.Listing