- URL:
- https://[root]/community/users/[userName]
- Methods:
- Operations:
- Add Resource, Delete User, Remove Resource, Update User
- Child Resources:
- User App Bundles, User License Type, User Tags, Notifications, Provisioned Listings, Reports, Invitations, Notifications
- Related Resources:
- User Content
Example usage
The following is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access a user resource:
The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access a user resource:
A user resource represents a registered user in the organization, returning details such as the user's e-mail and groups the user owns or belongs to. This resource is only accessible to the user themselves or to an organization administrator. Users who set their access setting to private
are not visible to other organization members, except for organization administrators. A description of the user details returned by this resource are provided in the Response properties table below.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
| For a complete listing, see Common parameters. |
Response properties
Property | Details |
| The username of the given user. |
| The ID of the user. |
| The user's full name. |
| The number of credits available to the user. |
| The number of credits allocated to the user. |
| The user's first name. |
| The user's last name. |
| The user's preferred view for content, either web or GIS. |
| A description of the user. |
| The user's e-mail address. |
| The original username if using enterprise logins. |
| The user's favorites group and is created automatically for each user. |
| The last login date of the user. |
| Indicates if the user's account has multifactor authentication set up. |
| Indicates the level of access of the user: private, org, or public. If private, the user descriptive information will not be available to others nor will the username be searchable. |
| The total storage used by the user's organization or subscription in Byte. |
| The total storage amount allowed for the user's organization or subscription in Byte. Usually 2TB for organization, 2GB for non-organization. |
| The ID of the organization the user belongs to. |
| Defines the user's role in the organization. Values: |
| A JSON array of strings with predefined permissions in each. For a complete listing, see Privileges. |
| (Optional) The ID of the user's role if it is a custom one. |
| The user's user license type ID. |
| Disables access to the organization by the user. |
| User-defined units for measurement. |
| User-defined tags that describe the user. |
| The user locale information (language and country). |
| The user preferred number and date format defined in CLDR (only applicable for English and Spanish, i.e. when See Languages for supported formats. It will inherit from organization |
| The user preferred region, used to set the featured maps on the home page, content in the gallery, and the default extent of new maps in the Viewer. |
| The file name of the thumbnail used for the user. All user thumbnails are relative to the URL |
| The date the user was created. Shown in UNIX time. |
| The date the user was last modified. Shown in UNIX time. |
| A JSON array of groups the user belongs to. See Group for properties of a group. |
| The identity provider for the organization. This was added at Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1. Values: |
JSON Response syntax
"username": "<username>",
"id": "<user id>",
"fullName": "<first name> <last name>",
"availableCredits": <available credits>,
"assignedCredits": <allocated credits>,
"firstName": "<first name>",
"lastName": "<last name>",
"preferredView": "Web" | "GIS" | null,
"description": "<description>",
"email": "<email address>",
"idpUsername": "<username>",
"favGroupId": "<group id>",
"lastLogin": <dateofuserlastloginshowninUNIXtime>,
"mfaEnabled": true | false,
"access": "private" | "org" | "public",
"storageUsage": <storageused-bytes>,
"storageQuota": <storagequota-bytes>,
"orgId": "<organizationid>",
"role": "org_admin" | "org_publisher" | "org_user",
"privileges": [
"roleId": "<role ID>",
"userLicenseTypeId": "<user license type ID>",
"disabled": true | false,
"units": "english" | "metric",
"tags": [
"culture": "<culturecode>",
"cultureFormat": "<num and date format>",
"region": "<region>",
"thumbnail": "<filename>",
"created": <datecreatedshowninUNIXtime>,
"modified": <datemodifiedshowninUNIXtime>,
"provider": "arcgis" | "enterprise" | "facebook" | "google" | "apple" | "github",
"groups": [
"id": "<groupid>",
"title": "<grouptitle>",
"isInvitationOnly": "true|false",
"owner": "<groupownerusername>",
"description": "<description>",
"snippet": "<summary>",
"tags": [
"phone": "<contact>",
"thumbnail": "<filename>",
"created": "datecreatedshowninUNIXtime",
"modified": "datemodifiedshowninUNIXtime",
"access": "private|org|public",
"userMembership": {
"username": "<username>",
"memberType": "<owner>",
"applications": 0
JSON Response example
"username": "jsmith",
"id": "61e2ab78ff17b5fda94a8a212ba5df10",
"fullName": "John Smith",
"availableCredits": 479.50998,
"assignedCredits": 500.0,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"preferredView": "Web",
"description": "Senior GIS Analyst for the city of Redlands. ",
"email": "jsmith33@esri.com",
"idpUsername": "null",
"favGroupId": "829e32cca4dd475a8bb63bb56b16fe3e",
"lastLogin": 1385766284000,
"mfaEnabled": false,
"access": "public",
"storageUsage": 3090822368,
"storageQuota": 2199023255552,
"orgId": "qWAReEOCnD7eTxOe",
"role": "org_admin",
"privileges": [
"roleId": "RDnHQBSBbsJuIkUp",
"userLicenseTypeId": "creatorUT",
"disabled": false,
"units": "metric",
"tags": [
"GIS Analyst",
"City of Redlands"
"culture": "en",
"cultureFormat": "us",
"region": "US",
"thumbnail": "myProfile.jpg",
"created": 1258501046000,
"modified": 1290625562000,
"provider": "enterprise",
"groups": [
"id": "0657d48d0c0841d793ea6ada2e6955f3",
"title": "Street Maps",
"isInvitationOnly": false,
"owner": "jsmith",
"description": "The street map group provides street maps for the city of Redlands.",
"snippet": "City of Redlands maps",
"tags": [
"phone": "https://www.esri.com",
"thumbnail": "streets.jpg",
"created": 1258501221000,
"modified": 1272309404000,
"access": "org",
"userMembership": {
"username": "jsmith",
"memberType": "owner",
"applications": 0