From: Bill Howard
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009
2:49 PM
To: Keplinger, Tammie W.
Cc: Fortune, Solomon A; 'Jill
Subject: RE: 2009-064 - Thermal
Rezoning Application
Attachments: 272921 Thermal_FAA
Importance: High
agent for American Tower Corporation and Alexander Youth Network, I agree on
their behalf that in the event there is any outside lighting required in the
fenced equipment compound located at the base of the camouflaged monopole
tower, American Tower Corporation will provide full cut-off type
fixtures. The only potential lighting will be on any equipment shelters
located in the compound for collocating wireless carriers; some carriers use
only steel equipment cabinets containing the ground equipment.
I mentioned when we spoke, and as explained in our early August resubmittal,
the FAA has determined there is no threat to air navigation in the area and
thus, no lighting or marking of the tower is required. There will be no
tower lighting. Another copy of the FAA determination is attached.
Bill Howard
EQV Development, LLC
20321 Sterling Bay Lane West, #D
Cornelius, NC 28031
O/F: 704.894.1145
M: 704.575.8965
From: Keplinger, Tammie
W. []
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 2:42 PM
To: ''
Cc: Fortune, Solomon A
Subject: 2009-064
any freestanding lighting associated with the tower on the Alexander Youth
Network site have full cut-off type fixtures?