Description: This is data is provided by Real Data at It has been approved for saring by Engle Addington as long as credit is provided to Real Data and Values are rounded t the nearest $100. It is only currently intended to be used in High Dispplacement Risk Dashboard.
Description: As a critical layer of analysis, an overlay identifying concentrations of residents that are vulnerable to being impacted negatively by change was developed. The analysis identifies residents that have characteristics that tend to make them more vulnerable to potential displacement. Unfortunately, the same characteristics that make certain populations susceptible to displacement are used in identifying whether environmental impacts are justly distributed. Areas with higher concentrations of vulnerable populations are overlaid on the access to opportunity and environmental justice maps to better understand how physical conditions, access, costs and benefits impact residents that have suffered from systemic racial and other social discrimination and/or are less likely to be able to adapt to economic and other changes. These data have been updated to include tenure and is calculated by NPA. It is used in the Displacement Risk Dashboard.
Copyright Text: Quality of Life, Housing Locational Tool, US Census Bureau